Guitar teachers won't dare to tell you this

Fretboard knowledge is not expected from beginner guitarists. But the best guitarists in the world know why fretboard knowledge is the secret to guitar mastery.

The entire guitar education industry is built around the assumption that beginners do not know the notes on the fretboard.

And it would be impossible to teach it to people without 1000’s of hours of fretboard grease.

But things would have been very different if beginners had fretboard knowledge.

Instead of memorizing boring scale patterns on the fretboard, they would be taken straight to the inner mechanics of the scales.

Things would have been a lot easier!

Guitar Scales Bundle

20% off for a limited time

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Scale Positions Is
A Workaround

If you’ve ever tried memorizing the fretboard, you know it’s not child’s play.

Guitar teachers wouldn’t dare tell beginner guitarists to memorize them all.

They’d rather let people learn it over time as they gain experience with the instrument.

With that in mind, the entire scale position system you’ve been asked to memorize is a “workaround”.

A workaround to relieve beginners of the pain of memorizing the fretboard. A way to get guitarists playing and allow them to understand the instrument with time.

But Let’S Do Things <br>
<b>The Right Way</b>
But Let’S Do Things
The Right Way

If you’ve read our previous blog on fretboard memorization, you know that we have a revolutionary method of memorizing the fretboard in less than 24 hours.

A method that's beginner friendly and needs no prior music experience.

This one idea defies all the assumptions around scales. Taking you straight to the real method of learning scales.

The way the pros do it.

How We Do It

Book #1 – Guitar Fretboard

We memorize the fretboard. This won’t take more than 24 hours to get through.

Book #2 – Guitar Scales for Beginners

We understand how guitar scales work using “note patterns”. Using the example of the A minor pentatonic scale, we show you the inner mechanics of scales and show you how to solo and create your own music.

Book #3 – Guitar Scales Bible

We discuss 30+ scales. Which you’ll not need to memorize with everything we covered till now. You can simply pick a scale you wish and explore away!

Whole Neck and Pattern Diagrams | Construction Formulas | Licks and Audio Tracks | Exercises

Memorize the fretboard in
less than 24 hours

Master your first scale and
every other scale thereafter

An encyclopedia of
30+ scales and modes

20% Off
For A Limited Time

To sweeten the deal, we’re running a 20% off sale on our Guitar Scales Bundle.

Click below to play scales the right way, create your own music and get soloing.

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Guitarists Who Have Unlocked Scales Using The Guitar Head Method

"The Guitar Fretboard Book
helped me memorize the fretboard which makes me a better player. I bought a bunch of books from various authors but it was Guitar Head's book that was the most beneficial to me."

As a novice player, I’ve learned more about the fretboard than I did in expensive lessons. The tips and exercises in this 54 page book are easy to follow and you you’re learning right from the opening pages."

"After almost 20 years away from the electric guitar, I bought a Strat and Guitar Fretboard to dive back in. Learning so much with your book, it's almost like I haven't taken any time off! Thanks,
Guitar Head! "

"The Guitar Fretboard Book
helped me memorize the fretboard which makes me a better player. I bought a bunch of books from various authors but it was Guitar Head's book that was the most beneficial to me."

As a novice player, I’ve learned more about the fretboard than I did in expensive lessons. The tips and exercises in this 54 page book are easy to follow and you you’re learning right from the opening pages."

"After almost 20 years away from the electric guitar, I bought a Strat and Guitar Fretboard to dive back in. Learning so much with your book, it's almost like I haven't taken any time off! Thanks,
Guitar Head! "

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About Guitar Head

All of us picked up the guitar expecting it to be fun, relaxing and something to get away from – but the effort this piece of wood with 6 strings demands is surprising!

Yup! The bitter truth, isn't it?
What we face on a regular basis is frustration, a lot of it!

Complex music theory, finding the right lessons, figuring out the perfect tone, fighting finger fatigue and injuries, creative fatigue, the feeling of hopelessness, the feeling of not being able to play what you dream of.

The feeling in your stomach when you see a 9-year old nailing the song you’ve been working on for months! – the list is endless!

And we know exactly what that feeling is like.
And we want to help!

We at Guitar Head are focused on constantly studying the points of frustration guitarists face. And breaking it down to simplify and find solutions for it. Be it – easy instructions or a community of members to talk to. We want make guitar an enjoyable experience for you.

We want to help bring the focus to what really matters, i.e.,

"Guitar is about
Fun, Personality & Expression
Not Frustration!"

It's Time to End the Frustration & Make Guitar Learning Fun!

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